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Tag - writing
So I’m filing medical certificates and letters from parents, and I come across a document which a student passed to me some time back as proof of her/his absence from school.
This document is an important one; it marks a point in the life of someone the student knew.
I hold the document up to the light, to differentiate between fine print and photocopied smudges.
I read the document, and then I read the document again.
I do some calculations, then it hits me: said student’s life story is contained within the digits that have been inked on the document.
I wonder what the limits of professionalism will allow me to ask said student.
I remember that it is not within the limits of the job to wonder.
The document returns home, slipping into its plastic folder like a late night out at the clubs.
The folder, like its compatriots, is crinkled. Each bears its owner’s name, scribbled with a marker on a white sticker, pasted on the top right-hand corner of each clear sheet.
I carry on sorting the stack of papers that sit on my desk, sheaf after sheaf a demonstration of presence, of absence, slotted into its assigned vault.
The bell is going to go in a few minutes. There is marking to be done when I go home from work. There will be papers looking for lodging tomorrow.
I think Lionel de Souza needs extra tutoring with regard to how to write an expository argument:
Other than being used for trysts and immoral purposes, rooms at budget hotels are also used by gambling syndicates to operate illegal “casinos”, drug addicts to abuse drugs, fugitives of the law who dare not return home for fear of being arrested, etc.
— Lionel de Souza, TODAY, Why budget hotels must be reined in
If this were an essay he submitted to me for grading, my comments would be as follows:
Lionel, where is your evidence? What makes you an authority on budget hotels?
I know you are a retired cop, but I don’t think you’d be privy to what goes on in budget hotels in this day and age – unless you hang out at budget hotels yourself.
Even if that were the case, citing personal experience is not always credible when it comes to making expository arguments.
Actually he needs a lot more help with his writing (look at the amount of fallacies in the letter!) but I can’t afford the time.
Besides, people seldom buy the cow if they can get the milk for free. (Though I must clarify that I always make it a point to buy the milk if I get to sample it first and I like what I taste.)
Anyway Lionel, if you do read this, and you like the taste of my milk, my rates are $100/hr – you know my name, look up the number.