I like how, thanks – or no thanks – to the 2019-nCoV, almost every single boomer has become a medical expert on the subject.
Last Saturday morning, my Grab driver told me we can protect ourselves against the coronavirus by eating “a lot of hot stuff: ginger, chili, curry – all these!”
He added that going out into the sun and taking a walk will result in the sunlight “burn[ing] off the virus”.
These pro-tips were in addition to many other pro-tips from other boomers I’ve had the honour and privilege of receiving, such as:
- Don’t use cheap toilet paper because it’s a possible cause of the infection;
- Gargle with warm salt water; and
- Take non-spicy food.
Interestingly, the last tip completely contradicts what my good friend told me today. I guess there are some things boomers still can’t agree on.
What boomer advice in relation to the 2019-nCoV have you received? Please share.
When all this is over, we’ll compile these nuggets of wisdom into a book and give a copy to each boomer during a mass ceremony to confer on them their honorary medical degrees.