A friend recently revealed to me that she was in love-limbo – that is, deciding between staying put with her partner or moving on to graze on greener pastures.
To help with her decision, I promised I’d share nuggets of knowledge on dating and romance that I’ve found over the years – an essential reading list, as it were.
I realised, after pasting all the links from the Lare-pository of Wisdom (hurhur) into an e-mail message, that it was actually worth a blog post.
So congratulations, everyone! You get to benefit from the spillover effect/positive externalities of an attempt to make good on a promise – or collateral damage, as it may turn out to be.
- Choosing a partner (before you start dating):
- How we end up marrying the wrong people
- How to pick your life partner (part 1 and part 2)
- The thing about love
- Great Expectations: The Soul Mate Quest (via)
- How we end up marrying the wrong people
- Building a good relationship (dating and marriage):
- Find out each other’s love language
- Take the relationship closeness inventory (online quiz or printable PDF)
- How to have a great relationship
- A shortcut to bonding with a romantic partner
- 15 honest questions the person you marry should be able to answer
- Masters of love: Science says lasting relationships come down to – you guessed it – kindness and generosity.
- Building a great marriage:
- UPDATED (Sun, 2 Aug 2015): Rules For A Happy Marriage: 4 Secrets From An Expert
The section on “How to build a great marriage” is pretty skimpy, for obvious reasons (I haven’t reached that stage yet, although the plan is to get there soon).
Nevertheless, feel free to leave a comment with a link to your favourite article, if anyone has stuff they’d like to add.