I thought I’d talk a bit more on the nature of quality time. (A primer here, if you’re not familiar with the concept.)
My take: When it comes to romance, neither of you is expected to give up your life for the other.
Your individual careers and hobbies are important too; you need to be whole yourself before you become part of a whole.
But the conventional wisdom is: if you really like someone, you’ll make the effort and give them time – in a reasonable quantity, but with maximum quality.
So you should be spending enough time together, and having a great experience while you’re at it.
At the end of the day, though, you can’t base relationships solely on what happens when you’re together. Because they’re also about what happens when you’re apart.
You still have to keep in touch – although this is subjective.
What is reasonable for some may be anathema for others; X may want an update every hour, on the hour, while Y may be comfortable with a daily summary.
This is where compromise begins, but if it ends there, then it is what it is.
And – as always – if it’s not happening, it probably ain’t gonna happen.