We’ve got a brand new logo, designed by the very talented Teo Yu Siang, creator of the hipster stat board designs!
The Official Website of Laremy Lee (李庭辉)
We’ve got a brand new logo, designed by the very talented Teo Yu Siang, creator of the hipster stat board designs!
Wow! That was a long hiatus.
Besides publicising a couple of events/articles I wrote (what’s worse: some posts are backdated D:), I haven’t posted regularly since late October.
No prizes for guessing why – I was busy with many things and I thought I’d list them briefly here for posterity:
(To be honest, I don’t really like consolidated posts like these; I feel they’re a bit of a cop-out and besides, if the moment has passed, we should just let it go.
But I know I need to sum up what’s been going on before I can move on to two very important upcoming posts I need to make.)
The Biennale is pretty awesome, BTW, so do check it out if you haven’t already done so.
I also contributed a couple of theatre reviews to The Straits Times Life! section – you can read snippets of the articles here.
I’m not going to discuss what I’m doing because I want to devote a post to this.
So all I’m going to say is: news embargoed until further notice.
BONUS: Surprise Siew Kum Hong.
So it was a busy but fun two months, hence the radio silence.
Singapore’s first and only Singapore-themed roving pub quiz celebrates its first anniversary.
SINGAPORE (Mon, 16 Dec 2013) – SG Tipsy Trivia, Singapore’s first and only Singapore-themed roving pub quiz, will celebrate its first anniversary next week.
Founded in December 2012 by eight (now seven) trivia enthusiasts, SG Tipsy Trivia hosts monthly pub quizzes every last Thursday of the month at various venues around Singapore, bringing Singapore-themed trivia to fans of the pub quiz genre.
How was SG Tipsy Trivia born?
In late 2012, these eight (now seven) trivia enthusiasts took part in several pub quizzes around the city, but were dismayed at the heavy skew toward British or American themes and topics.
They felt that Singapore needed a Singapore-themed pub quiz to encourage both Singaporeans and non-Singaporeans to learn more about the country they live, work and play in.
Says co-founder Gabriel Seah: “With growing interest in local heritage, together with continued growth in the local literary and arts scenes, both Singaporeans and residents are becoming more interested in the city they live in.
“We created this quiz to champion what’s cool, unique, and unknown about Singapore and the world today.”
How is SG Tipsy Trivia different from other pub quizzes?
SG Tipsy Trivia devotes 60 per cent of its questions to Singapore. The other 40 per cent of questions have an international focus.
Being a roving pub quiz, SG Tipsy Trivia seldom hosts at the same location twice in a row. This keeps the quiz fresh for participants!
Every month, SG Tipsy Trivia comes up with new and unconventional categories of questions (e.g. Mental Health, Civil Service, Hipsters, etc.) to keep the quiz fresh for participants.
What’s happening at SG Tipsy Trivia’s first anniversary?
To commemorate its first anniversary, SG Tipsy Trivia will be hosting a special edition of its pub quiz at Earshot Cafe (The Arts House) on Thursday, 26 Dec 2013.
In the spirit of Christmas, part of the pot will be donated to charity to raise funds for the less fortunate. More information on this can be found at Annex F.
SG Tipsy Trivia is also proud to announce its partnerships with Earshot Cafe and Viet Lang, two F&B establishments at The Arts House. More information can be found at Annex E.
SG Tipsy Trivia was founded and is run by Christine Chong, Lucas Ho, Lynnette Kang, Laremy Lee, Huiran Leong, Gabriel Seah and Eisen Teo. Please refer to Annexes A to C for more information about SG Tipsy Trivia and its co-founders.