There was class today.
We had a break.
I went for coffee.
Bought from The Deck.
I returned to AS7.
I saw a bird.
It was a mynah.
It looked so forlorn.
Standing at the door.
(Made of solid glass.)
It accidentally flew in.
But had no egress.
I thought I’d help.
I opened the door.
I turned to look.
At the damn bird.
It had skittered away.
The door swung shut.
It hit my coffee.
Which spilled on me.
My nice t-shirt, specifically.
I was pretty horrified.
But steeled my resolve.
I opened the door.
And left it ajar.
I walked one round.
To shoo the bird.
Out the damn door.
Mynah got the message.
It flapped away hurriedly.
Into sweet spring’s freedom.
I stood there staring.
At the coffee stain.
Then at the bird.
I smiled to myself.
(Secretly; no one saw.
They’d think me mad.
If they don’t already.)
Said under my breath.
To the departing mynah.
“Max Perry, go free.”
Tag - life
…I think I have learnt the following from the play readings:
Whatever the case, a very big thank you to the people who came down to watch/listen/support. I hope you had fun 🙂
I had a mini-epiphany last night before I fell asleep.
Each relationship you are in, regardless of whether it is platonic or non-platonic, entails a constant negotiation.
Because there is no one person with whom you can truly agree on with everything.
So, assuming attraction/like/desire (platonic or non-platonic) is equal for all parties whom you have or intend to have a relationship with, what it all boils down to is:
- How much you are willing to negotiate or invest in negotiations with said parties.
And since negotiations eventually involve some kind of middle ground, where both parties strive to attain a balance between what each party wants/needs, then what makes the relationship efficient is when…
- How many compromises have to be made, with the goal being to have as few as possible.Which means that from the outset, both parties have to agree on as many things as possible.
I think I need to start compiling some kind of guide book to help me along the way in life.