While at the dentist yesterday, the patient before me was speaking so loudly that the entire waiting room could hear what he was saying.
In other words: he needed to tweak his privacy settings.
What was he saying? These were some choice quotes from him:
- “You all only work 5 days a week; I work 8 days!”
- “I’m a divorcee!”
- “So you’re doing this with your dad? (Dentist says dad passed away.) Oh I’m so sorry doc! (Dentist says dad passed away 16 years ago.) Oh I’m so sorry doc!”
- “I’m 56 years old!”
- “I like skateboarding… I’m a cowboy… I’m a rocker too.”
I thought it was hilarious so I posted this on Facebook.
In his defence (for whatever strange reason), my friends responded:
- “Anaesthetics as truth serum.”
- “Nervous lah – it’s the tension that’s making him talk!”
- “It’s probably the nitrous oxide. You should try it sometime.”
I still felt he was talking too much without filtering what he was saying, though.
Not long after, I received this text message from my sister:
“Eh you’re at the dentist? Can help me buy Dr Tung’s Dental Floss, please?”
I think I need to tweak my privacy settings.
P.S. I posted my sister’s message – along with my opinion about my own privacy settings – on Facebook.
My sister hasn’t scolded me yet about posting up her orthodontic habits online for all and sundry, but if she does, I’ll blame it on the tension and the nitrous oxide.