Don’t wait for others to speak up.

Dear Madam/Sir,

I REFER to “Pole-axed by passengers’ insensitivity on trains” (June 13).

As a society, we need to be honest with ourselves about two aspects of human behaviour:

  1. People do not know they are behaving inappropriately until they are told otherwise, and
  2. People will continue to behave inappropriately until they are told otherwise.

Unfortunately, we have been dependent on everyone except our own selves to do the work of telling people off.

This in itself is inappropriate behaviour, and we direly need to undergo a paradigm shift as a society.

Instead of standing by and waiting for someone else to chastise wrong-doers, we need to exercise more boldness in our approach.

We need to firmly and politely inform these wrong-doers in question about what they are doing wrong, and what they can do to correct their behaviour.

Let’s remember that the fruits of tomorrow are borne from the seeds of today.

If we truly value graciousness and civic awareness in our society, then we ourselves must be a part of the process of inculcating said values in our fellow Singaporeans.

Thank you.

Yours sincerely,
Laremy LEE (Mr)

(Published as “Don’t wait for others to speak up” on 14 Jun 2011 in TODAYonline.)


Today is a momentous occasion.

Today, I am drinking Complan for the very first time in my life.


Complan is gross. Okay, I’m biased. I’ve never been a very big fan of these… products.

In any case, I just thought I’d mark this occasion with a poem because of how Complan has been immortalised (to me, at least) in Arthur Yap’s “2 mothers in a hdb playground”:

2 mothers in a hdb playground

ah beng is so smart,
already he can watch tv & know the whole story.
your kim cheong is also quite smart,
what boy is he in the exam?

this playground is not too bad, but i’m always
so worried, car here, car there.
at exam time, it’s worse.
because you know why?
kim cheong eats so little.

give him some complan. my ah beng was like that,
now he’s different. if you give him anything
he’s sure to finish it all up.

sure, sure. cheong’s father buys him
vitamins but he keeps it inside his mouth
& later gives it to the cat.
i scold like mad but what for?
if i don’t see it, how can i scold?

on Saturday, tv showed a new type,
special for children. why don’t you call
his father buy some? maybe they are better.

money’s no problem. it’s not that
we want to save. if we buy it
& he doesn’t eat it, throwing money
into the jamban is the same.
ah beng’s father spends so much,
takes out the mosaic floor & wants
to make terazzo or what.

we also got new furniture, bought from diethelm.
the sofa is so soft. i dare not sit. they all
sit like don’t want to get up. so expensive.
nearly two thousand dollars, sure must be good.

that you can’t say. my toa-soh
bought an expensive sewing machine,
after 6 months, it is already spoilt.
she took it back but … beng,
come here, come, don’t play the fool.
your tuition teacher is coming.
wah! kim cheong, now you’re quite big.

come, cheong, quick go home & bathe.
ah pah wants to take you chya-hong in new motor-car.

— Arthur Yap

I can’t remember if the original had any stanzas but I thought I’d delineate the text into stanzas so you can see the conversation between the mothers (a la Peter Tan’s webpage).

In case you are not very intelligent and don’t know why this poem is meaningful, please allow me to highlight a few significant aspects of the poem to you:

  • Captures the use of English in Singapore, especially how Chinese Singaporeans speak English (wrongly or otherwise) in modern Singapore’s early years (look at the title: it’s “a hdb” instead of “an hdb”. So you’ve got to be adamantine when you read out the title i.e. “a haitch-dee-bee” instead of “an aitch-dee-bee”).
  • Demonstrates changing class aspirations in Singapore, from a Chinese perspective, at least.
  • Depicts the urbanisation of the Singapore landscape vis-a-vis economic progress.


Well, I still maintain that Complan is gross but beggars whose mouths have been wired shut cannot be choosers.

BTW, whoever is coming over to my place to visit me – you’re gonna be served Complan.

Back of a bus.

Back of a bus.


When I first saw this picture, I thought it was a rendered 3D image. Upon closer inspection, though, I realised it was a very well-taken photograph.

Anyway, do you know where the bus has stopped? Leave a message in the comments with your answer.

Incentive: I will arbitrarily choose a winner from the correct answers and award said winner an arbitrary prize.