Sympathy for the cockroach.

BTW this is a cover. The Rolling Stones came up with the original version of the song.

I feel an immense sense of guilt every time I kill a cockroach. That’s because I don’t like the idea of killing another living being.

But with cockroaches, I decided a long time ago that:

  • even though these buggers have been around a long, long year,
  • and will continue to be around for many a long year to come,

between me and them, I’ll be damned if I let them win while I’m still alive.

Damn you, cockroaches. Damn you, he thought to himself as he imagined himself shaking his fist in a display of defiance at arthropods that were lurking around, somewhere.

Two resolutions for 2010.

  1. Update HR database with the courses that I’ve gone for ASAP.
    Spent an unpleasant weekend last year updating the database because I let everything accumulate.
  2. Create a list called ‘All These Things That I’ve Done’ in Google Docs so I can update it with… all these things that I’ve done (at work).
    For the purposes of work review and the like.

I wonder if anyone else sees the irony in this.

Giving away a Dell 926 Photo All-in-One Printer for FREE! Claimed.

  1. Am giving it away for free because I got it for free.
  2. It’s almost brand new i.e. I’ve opened it and set it up, but haven’t used it.
  3. I haven’t used it because it doesn’t work on Macs. Hence, you’ve gotta be a Windows user to use this printer.
  4. If you want it, you gotta come over to my place to get it.
  5. Last but not least, I don’t provide technical support, so once you get it, it’s all yours!

You can check out some reviews of the printer here and here.

If you have my contacts, you can e-mail/text/call/DM/FB me to let me know if you’re keen. Otherwise, just leave a comment and I’ll get back to you. It’s been claimed, ladies and gents. Sorry I could only give it to one person, but thanks for helping with the freecycling.