Tickets for this run of OTOT (UPDATED).

Hi friends,

  1. I’ve booked 20 tickets for Sat, 18 Jul 2009 @ 8pm.
  2. Tickets are CAT 1 tickets (Rows H and I) and cost $50 each.
  3. Please leave a comment here if you want a ticket. I will give you further instructions on what to do subsequently.

Thanks for the suppork!

<ADV> Own Time Own Target (Featuring Full Tank! by Laremy Lee)

Dear friends,

It is my honour and my pleasure to invite everyone to be a part of Own Time Own Target once more. That’s right – Full Tank! will be receiving a re-staging and details are as follows:

In the midst of an island-wide terrorist manhunt that’s whipped the authorities and the media into a frenzy, Sergeant Leroy and his motley crew hijack a tank and go AWOL, embarking on a joyride through Singapore’s streets! Are they criminals or heroes? Or are they just plain crazy? Join them on a hilariously bizarre and uniquely Singaporean road-trip, where they encounter madcap ministers, hard-nosed journalists, a hot Mamasan and her China hostesses!

DATE: Wed, 8 Jul 2009 – Sat, 25 Jul 2009.
8pm (3pm matinees on Sat and Sun).
VENUE: Drama Centre @ National Library Building.
TICKETS: $25 – $59 (depending on occasion and discounts offered).

You can download an excerpt of the play here, or find out more info about the production from the W!ld Rice website.

Hope to see you there!

Good music again, at last.

I’ve finally found out what happened to Virgin Radio UK – eight months too late! It seems the station has become Absolute Radio, which is why the iTunes Internet radio link I used to use stopped working after a while.

(Some background context here: I don’t normally listen to the radio, local or otherwise, because I don’t like 80% of the music that is played, the advertising jangles are lame and the DJs’ banal chatter annoys me. But Virgin Radio was different – the songs played like my iTunes playlist, the advertisements were creative and the DJs at least displayed some degree of intelligence.

This also meant that I was introduced to new songs which I’d like too, which was good, because it helped me keep my knowledge of music fresh and relevant. But I was rather sad when the station stopped functioning, and I kind of lost interest in listening to music between then and now. No more, though!)

Anyway, I don’t know how I didn’t know about the change earlier (or maybe it never occurred to me to check), but better late than never, I guess. If you want to listen to Absolute Radio too, point your brower toward this link and click on ‘Listen Live’ to find out the ways in which you can listen to the station.

To reiterate my point about the music: they’re playing “Patience” by Guns N’ Roses now as I conclude this post.