Looking for photographers to collaborate on project!

I’ve had an idea in my head for some time now and this exhibition seems like the best place to start.

If you’re a photographer and are interested in collaborating with me (I have no equipment and/or training but am usually chockful of  ideas and have a keen eye for what makes a good shot), please:

It may not reach fruition i.e. you may not be keen or the project may not pan out, but it doesn’t matter – what’s important is that we try.

Let’s go.


I’ve just submitted three poems for a new and independently-run publication based in Singapore!

It’s called Ceriph; you can check out their Facebook group here.

Their mission:

We exist to provide a space for Singaporeans to develop and showcase ideas and work in the form of prose, social commentaries, art, musings, photography, and much more. We want to share these without inhibition, to celebrate these thoughts and their existence. As a non-profitable venture, we are depending solely on the interest of readers and contributions from Singaporeans who are equally passionate about the locally developing arts and writing scene.

If this appeals to you too, I’d strongly encourage to submit some of the stuff you’ve been keeping under wraps.