SGTipsyTrivia: Thu, 31 Oct at Earshot Cafe (Halloween Edition!)

I’m organising this with a bunch of friends so come on down and join us for the only pub quiz in Singapore with a Singaporean theme!

SG Tipsy Trivia

Not everyone bothers about the important things – like what the name of the dinosaur formerly known as Brontosaurus is, or how many MRT interchanges there are in Singapore.

But if matters like these are everyday knowledge for you and your friends, then come on down to Earshot Cafe on Thu, 31 Oct 2013 at 7.30pm for a special Halloween-themed edition of SG Tipsy Trivia!

It’s still the only pub quiz in town with a Singaporean theme – each category has six Singapore-themed questions and four international-themed questions – but we have Halloween-related questions specially for this month.

For $5 per player, your team of six players gets to flex your brains over six rounds of trivia.

What’s more – the winning team stands a chance of bringing home 50% of the pot for the evening, along with $74 worth of vouchers from Earshot Cafe!

So join us – because, really: how much more fun can you get up to on Halloween night?

Remember to come dressed in your Halloween best – or not at all! (We won’t be held responsible for any allegations of public indecency, though 😉

SG Tipsy Trivia! – Special Halloween Edition
(Event Listing on Facebook)

Date: Thu, 31 Oct 2013
Time: 7.30pm
Venue: Earshot Cafe (1 Old Parliament Lane, Singapore 179429)
Price: $5 per player (max. 6 players per team. Teams with more than 6 players will have 3.5 points deducted per extra player.)

Top Prize: 50% of evening’s pot + $74 worth of vouchers from Earshot Cafe
Second Prize: 30% of evening’s pot

Fill in this form to reserve a table for your team. Spots fill up fast; ‘chope’ your place today!

Like us on Facebook | Follow us on Twitter | Vist our Tumblr to find out more

Stuff you must read today (Fri, 11 Oct 2013) – The Psychology of Language Edition

  • The psychology of language: Which words matter the most when we talk | The Buffer Blog
    “By always focusing on ‘How will this make someone feel?’ whenever [we wrote] even a single line, we immediately improved the amount of responses we got from our users”.
  • The Power of Names | The New Yorker
    “…words carry hidden baggage that may play at least some role in shaping thought. What’s surprising, perhaps, is how profoundly a single word can shape material outcomes over time”.
  • The Power of a Word | The Dilbert Blog
    Observe how an argument is transformed when a loaded word is substituted with another word that reframes the discourse.
  • What It Should Have Been: Edition #3 | Vox Nostra: A Voice Of Our Own
    Part of the Disabled People’s Association, Singapore’s public education initiative on the use of proper terminology to describe people with disabilities. Find out more about how this started here.
  • Are You a Language Bully? | Slate
    “Those who engage in public corrections of this sort often are looking to feel good about themselves, and…displays of language all-knowing-ness provide a ready-made, two-pronged opportunity to do so. ‘The way we evaluate our competence is relative to other people,’ he says. ‘If I need to feel good about my language skills, one way that I could do that would be to give myself evidence that my language skills are awesome. Another is to give myself evidence that other people’s language skills suck. So by putting down other people, I can feel better about myself.'”.

    Whoops :S

ICA press releases are hilarious!

Immigration and Checkpoints Authority, Singapore

So I was at the Immigration and Checkpoints Authority’s (ICA’s) website the other day when a section titled “Latest Press Releases” got me chuckling with these eye-catching titles:

19 Sep 2013 – Angry Birds: The ICA Version
29 Aug 2013 – Caught In The Web Of Love
19 Aug 2013 – The Curtain Comes Down Twice

Damn hilarious!

And that’s just a sampling of the goodness that’s on offer.

There’s more what that came from – check out the press releases for the year (and have a look through the archives while you’re at it)!

As a friend on Facebook said, “By golly, I think you’ve hit on a civil service gold mine!”

I totally want to meet the person(s) behind this, man. I think we’d become good friends.