Keynote – All In!: Young Writers Media Festival 2014

All In! Young Writers Media Festival 2014

I’ll be back at this year’s All In!: Young Writers Media Festival in the capacity of a moderator (of sorts) again.

Gwee Li Sui will be presenting the Keynote at this year’s festival; I’ll be introducing him and facilitating the question and answer session at the end of his speech.

Keynote – All In!: Young Writers Media Festival 2014
Date: Sat, 22 Feb 2014
Time: 10.30am – 11.15am
Venue: The Arts House

See you there!

Stop hoarding that shit already

Stop hoarding that shit already!

So the second important post I needed to make in relation to what I learnt from 2013 is about hoarding.

At some point, I realised I’d been hoarding quite a bit of shit – physical objects, emotional attachments, social media connections, etc.

It wasn’t doing me any good in terms of moving on with life so I decided to start the long and arduous process of decluttering.

Or so I thought at first.

Decluttering is made much easier when you learn how to set boundaries and learn to let go.

Hence, the rule of thumb which I devised from the process (and which I call Stop Hoarding That Shit Already [SHTSA]):

  1. If you really needed it, you’d have used it already.
  2. If you haven’t already used it, you’re never gonna use it.
  3. If in doubt, throw it out.

Suffice to say it was a great success, so hope it helps you with decluttering your own life too.

Stuff you must read today (Fri, 3 Jan 2014) – The Q&A Edition