One-third life crisis

That's all, folks!
That’s all, folks!

Upon meeting someone for the first time today, he says, “Yes, I’ve heard a lot about you. Your (Facebook) status updates are very funny.”

Thoughts that immediately entered my mind:

  • Is that going to go on my tombstone i.e. “Here lies Laremy Lee. His Facebook status updates were very funny?”
  • Is that is all I am known for??
  • What have I been doing with my life, if I am defined by funny Facebook status updates???

#KNN #onethirdlifecrisis

BONUS: Cruel or irrelevant comments – as seems to be the norm – from my relations and friends.

  • Fool, revise your privacy settings. Strangers are reading you?!!! (This one, from my sister, received 11 likes on Facebook.)
  • Weren’t you a nominated member of parliament?
  • Haha your this status update is very funny.

One device to rule them all

My precious...
My precious… (PHOTO CREDIT:

In recent days, I’ve used my house keys to “tap out” before alighting from the bus, my EZlink card to attempt entry into my workplace and my workplace access card to open my house door.

Either I’m becoming increasingly absent-minded, or we just need one device to rule them all.

I posted this on Facebook, and a friend responded:

I tried using my van key remote to open the staff room door. Think we need to fight for lighter workload. Brain running out of RAM. 🙂

My response:

Have you tried downloading more RAM?