- The Little Story of One HDB Flat
- Jane Austen’s Fight Club
- Navel gazing: Academic inbreeding and scientific productivity.
- Transcript of Dr Lim Hock Siew’s speech on the ISA.
- New Spice | Study like a scholar, scholar
- Familiar Horror Movie Scenes Ruined by the New iPhone
I feel very strongly about this issue because I am someone who has been excluded from the public housing market because of the astronomical prices.
To hell with Inception… This is THE must-watch movie of the year!
A paper which suggests that it’s good for universities to hire PhD graduates who have not been trained by the same university so as to encourage diversity in thought, cross-fertilisation of ideas, etc.
Am posting this up because I remember having this conversation with someone back in NUS about this policy – NUS seldom (or never) hires faculty who have NUS graduate degrees.
How is this distorted or misleading?
BYU produces a stunningly good parody of the recent Old Spice ad.
Why the future won’t the same – or as scary – with the advent of technology.